
By Carlos Buby

Apart from Templo Guaracy’s headquarters where meetings for the public occur, TG owns a beautiful land, called Espaço Mataganza, where initiatic rituals are held and a series of events for the social and cultural development of the community take place. Located in the municipality of Cotia, some 30 minutes away from São Paulo, Espaço Mataganza concentrates in its 110 thousand square meters of conserved land, the splendor of nature. It has been recognized by the IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for Protected Areas) as a conservation reserve and it represents the commitment of Templo Guaracy with the preservation and full development of life at its different levels.

Spring water, river, waterfall, native plants, wildlife and domestic animals, herbs and vegetable gardens, lodge, restaurant, two swimming pools, a small soccer field, enclosed parking lots, convention halls, forest trails, playground, access to public transportation, telephone and fax with internet connection, and a mountain climate are some of the numerous factors that make Espaço Mataganza an ideal place for an encounter with nature without losing the necessary urban references.

Since 1991, when the land was integrated to Templo Guaracy’s patrimony, the community of the Templo has dedicated itself to the consecration of the natural values that can be found at Mataganza. Many rituals are performed regularly to ensure the consecration of specific sites, establishing therefore a spiritual ecological consciousness. Espaço Mataganza can be considered more that just a beautiful forested area. It is a reflection pole where the material and immaterial dimensions harmonize to produce the Great Synthesis. We can say that Mataganza is a word that defines a place where the Sacred and the profane come together. More, it is a spiritual dimension where conflict between bad and good does not exist, because according to the philosophical principles of Templo Guaracy, “bad” is anything that is out of its natural place.

The Campo Sagrado (Sacred Space), with its 7 oracles consecrated to the basic Orixás of Templo Guaracy, take us into a magical dimension. The circle, with its Consecrated Fire at the center, reminds us of a primitive time that at some point in our past, we certainly experienced. People from different traditions meet here to meditate, sing or dance at the sound of the sacred rhythms. At Mataganza we learn that the unity within the diversity allows us to perceive the path that leads to fraternity. Other Mataganza Spaces are being prepared, built on the same bases of the fundamentals of Templo Guaracy, in Fleixeiras, Ceará and in Geneva, Switzerland.

Espaço Mataganza is maintained through donations and events. The Convention Center located in the social area, is available for rent, from Monday to Friday, from 8AM to 5 PM. Businesses, study groups, schools, institutions and many organizations find Mataganza as an ideal location for their gatherings and events.

Estrada do Caputera, 895
Cotia – São Paulo Tel: (11) 4614 4596